I have spent the last 24-36 hours trying to come to terms with the fact that I am no longer on vacation. It has been a difficult return this time around. I spent a week living with 9 people in a big, luxurious house on a serene residential lake in New Hampshire. Surrounded by trees and only accessible by dirt road, I felt truly removed from my normal life. All that mattered was the temperature outside and the battery life in our camera. Kayaking, swimming, hiking, loons, whales, games and photo slide shows at the end of each day. All of this shared with most of my favorite people on earth.
Coming home to such a boring and quiet house has left me at a loss for how to start each day. I am questioning all that I thought was important and trying to figure out how to keep the
idea of vacation in my regular routine. The idea meaning
have fun. Doing what I
want to do as much as what I
have to do.
Photos are coming soon. You can get a preview