Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Back on my feet

This afternoon I went out for a run for the first time since mid October. It's hard to say why I stopped. I guess life just took over in the autumn. We moved, friends opened a new stationery shop, the holidays came and went in a blur. And before I knew it, two and a half months had passed since I last got out there.

I was nervous that I'd be cold and unpracticed. That I'd forget all I'd learned in the fall. I still haven't even finished the Couch to 5k program yet. But the moment I set foot out the door I felt better than I have in months. It was amazing just to be moving again. And the stride, the breathing, the energy - it all came back to me like it had never left.

It took me until age 36 to realize that it is possible for me to even do this, let alone like it. But I think I can actually say that I love it.

36 years to understand that I am capable of this. That I can push myself. That I can do more than I thought I could.

I am built for this.