Wednesday, June 18, 2008

new work...

i am a lover of fabric. it began a few years ago when i decided to make a bag for my friend. it has been under my skin ever since. however, it is sometimes hard to feel as though i am making art, rather than simply craft. these small fabric collages take a step away from set patterns and expected results. i am simply working with juxtapositions of color and pattern. they are entirely freehand and that feels good.

i'm not sure where intend to go with these, as i am simply following my soul. it feels right and i am happy to roll with that for now...


second storie said...

i am so intrigued by your photos, j. can't wait to see these in person! also, thanks for the welcom back over at the social! can't wait to see you.


p.s. did you get your invite from nicole?

Elizabeth Switzer said...

hey darlin'

do not fear the craft/art line. the two things are not separate but extensions of the same body. your work is beautiful.

keep going, never stop!

we all fall into this from time to time, the staggering self awareness, self-critique. But we are the lucky ones because we have people who understand, places to go with these thoughts.

you should come see me so i can show you this catalog i have from a show in nyc last year- it will blow your mind. plus id love love to see you.

and remember as good old Kafka said:

"Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly."

big love and kisses.

joAnn said...

shanna adn lizz: you guys have me choked up! - thanks so much for hte encouragement. i could not ask for better friends. This is the reason i wanted a blog - to share and connect in a way that is different than just hanging out.

i love you guys,